With eager anticipation I received my copy of “On This Day in Christian History” written by Robert Morgan. I sat down to read this book as any other; setting aside the notion of reading in the daily devotional format it is written.
For someone who knows the more famous stories of Christian faith; Polycarp, Origen, Joan of Arc, and more modern Richard Wurmbrand, this book is a fine addition to the your knowledge and understanding of the lives of those who suffered for their faith. However if you don’t know these stories this book doesn’t go into all of the more popular stories and therefore seems lacking as a teaching aid for new believers in this regard.
Covering more than just martyrs there are stories about popular ministers such as John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon. It is important I feel to acknowledge the efforts and sacrifices given to Christ by “lesser” known people such as John Hooper, James Guthrie, and Luwum.
I would recommend this book as an inspiring reading to anyone looking for a quick pick me up and a daily reminder that through it all Christ will see us through for the greater good.
I was given a copy of this book through the site booksneeze.com however the opinions expressed are mine.