I recently read A Placed Called Blessing by John Trent and Annette Smith. This is a novel derived from the ideas taken from the best selling non-fiction book by John Trent named; The Blessing.
This concept book starts with a tear and ends with one, in between you will go on an emotional rollercoaster through what could be the life of any child in or out of the social services program.
My wife works for a behavior center for troubled children she will tell you that this book can be considered mild compared to the trauma that our society can place on a child in the system.
The book is a wonderful example of the struggles and successes that life throws at people. While most of us never experienced anything close to the story of this novel we all have things that we deal with, hurt we swallow, instances in our lives that we can’t think about without feeling guilt or remorse, or we have hurt others. This book shows how even in the worst of situations a blessing can provide healing, comfort, and a reminder that we our future doesn’t have to be determined by our past; we can triumph over our failures and until that final whistle of life is blown, we are not to give up.
I recommend this book for anyone struggling with a past issue, or have children. This book along with the non-fiction can provide a blessing for your children that will last generations.
I received this book for free through booksneeze.com however the opinions expressed are my own.