When I had agreed to review this book I knew nothing about Bonhoeffer. Focus on the Family did a two day review of this book in a three part series back in the first of May. http://www.focusonthefamily.com/radio.aspx?ID={CED508E8-C5AA-45A7-B14D-E64EC6BC4AC2}
This is a story that needs to be told much more often. This book tells the tale of an externally brave man who stood up for what he knew was right, against the greatest of odds. Bonhoeffer stood up for the Jews against the most horrendous evil that the world has ever known. Through personal letters and detailed accounts the story of Bonhoeffer is told to remind us what power can come from following Christ against anything Satan can conjure up.
The story of Bonhoeffer reminds me of anther great Christian; Richard Wurmbrand. Both stories will forever change your faith and stretch our view of the power of faith. You will find yourself wondering if you have what it would take to do the same thing and take on the same odds as these men. It will make you realize just how small the obstacles American Christians endure daily. It will make you bolder in your proclamation of the Lord through your live to others. I recommend this book to anyone who wishes to stretch their world view and embolden their faith.
I received this book free through Booksneeze.com however my opinions are my own.