Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Living Life in the Zone" by Kyle Rote Jr. and Dr. Joe Pettigrew

"Living Life in the Zone" by Kyle Rote Jr. and Dr. Joe Pettigrew is a 40 day "game plan" for men.  Throughout this book there is insight and stories from sports figures that any sports fan would know.  These sports icons such as John Wooden, Allan Houston, James Brown, Spencer Tillman, and many more share stories and thoughts that would work great to reach out to the man in anyone's life who may not be a follower or a part-time Christian.  While I don't agree with the Biblical interpretations of every passage in this text the overall objective of this book is quite powerful.  Throughout this book I was touched deeply by the stories from men whose faith surprised me as well as humbled me and my faith walk.  This walk is aided each day by a breakdown of the lesion through three thought provoking questions as well as an action plan.
I feel that if anyone has a man in their life who needs to be reached out to regarding their faith this book is a wonderful tool to use to reach those who may scoff at the idea of reading a “Christian book” or is worried about being lectured to though their reading will find this book both entertaining and challenging as well as interesting because of the insight into the lives of the men who they see on television every weekend.  I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.