Thursday, October 13, 2011

Excellent Devotional for Husbands

When I saw that there was a devotional geared toward men about marriage I was actually excited about the idea.  My wife and I had taken the Love and Respect course at church so I was already familiar with Dr. Eggerichs ideas. “The Love and Respect Experience; A Husband-Friendly Devotional that Wives Truly Love”  is written by Emerson Eggerichs founder of Love and Respect Ministries.

This devotional is not set up the same as a traditional devotional.  Instead of a daily devotional this is a weekly devotional.    Included with each devotional is a set of discussion questions that brings a better understanding to the teaching. The devotions are short, but direct, attacking the heart of both the husband and the wife.

This format, while the text is geared towards the man, is great for taking a year to work on your relationship in a way that isn’t so demanding.  The best way to use this book is to have each person review the information, answer the questions, and then come together and share your thoughts for the week.

As a added note this book would make an attractive gift as it is bound, not as a hard cover, but with imitation leather, making this book even that much more attractive.

I received this book free from the publisher through the, book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Proof of the Divine Inspiration of the Bible

Has God Spoken?: Proof of the Bible's Divine Inspiration,  Author Hank Hanegraaff answers this question with the simple acronym MAPS. Hank Hanegraaff is a modern day Christian apologist and President of if Christian Research Institute.  Known as the Bible Answer Man much of his work is a response to agnostic and atheist objections to the Bible as and Christianity in general.

I was most interested in this book because while working towards my Christian Ministry degree we used Hank Hanegraaff writings.  He writes in a way that is designed for a person with a somewhat greater understanding of both Biblical context and Biblical hermeneutics. 
“Using the memorable acronym MAPS, radio host and Bible scholar Hank Hanegraaff masterfully reveals four proofs that confirm the divine origin of the Bible.
  • M represents the strength of the manuscript itself as many actual fragments have been located
  • A stands for the archaeological proofs that have been uncovered
  • P is for the prophecy that has accurately predicted events
  • S represents the scriptural synergy found in the unity, consistency, and harmony of the sixty-six books
These clearly presented proofs provide powerful indicators that confirm the trustworthiness and divine nature of Scripture, that God has indeed spoken, and that the Bible is the reliable repository of His words.”
I enjoyed this book but I could easily see this book being more than some people may want to read.  There are, after all, authors that have examined this issue in a more understanding book.  I think however that this issue forms the basis for Christian faith.  I don’t understand how someone could believe in Christ without believing that the Bible is inspired by God.
I received this book for free from the publisher through the blogger program.  The opinion is my own.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bonhoeffer; true faith without fear

When I had agreed to review this book I knew nothing about Bonhoeffer.  Focus on the Family did a two day review of this book in a three part series back in the first of May.{CED508E8-C5AA-45A7-B14D-E64EC6BC4AC2}

This is a story that needs to be told much more often.  This book tells the tale of an externally brave man who stood up for what he knew was right, against the greatest of odds.  Bonhoeffer stood up for the Jews against the most horrendous evil that the world has ever known.  Through personal letters and detailed accounts the story of Bonhoeffer is told to remind us what power can come from following Christ against anything Satan can conjure up. 

The story of Bonhoeffer reminds me of anther great Christian; Richard Wurmbrand.  Both stories will forever change your faith and stretch our view of the power of faith.  You will find yourself wondering if you have what it would take to do the same thing and take on the same odds as these men.  It will make you realize just how small the obstacles American Christians endure daily.  It will make you bolder in your proclamation of the Lord through your live to others.  I recommend this book to anyone who wishes to stretch their world view and embolden their faith.

I received this book free through however my opinions are my own.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

With - missing the purpose

This book is like many other coming out now, focus on what the author believes in the newest and more innovative “angle” on religion that they can find.  This is leading Christianity bookstores down the path of carrying any book that mentions God, without actually being Christian.  Always be fearful of anyone claiming to have a new approach or new understanding of Christianity, Christ, or the Bible.  Skye Jethani is one of these people.

With, reminds me of the Seaker-Preacher I had a while back, and also a church I left.  He and this author both talked passionately about God the life partner; the pastor loved the word paracletus.  While this concept is certainly Biblical it isn’t the foundation principle of Christianity.  Faith is where salvation is found and faith should be the focus of our love, admiration, and praise.  Not simply forming a friendship.  Jesus wasn’t interested in peace, love and harmony.  He was interested in salvation of lost souls.  This author is more worried about love, and accepting people that he forgot the important call of believers.
Luke 9;  The Cost of Following Jesus
 57 As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”
 58 Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
 59 He said to another man, “Follow me.”
   But he replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”
 60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”
I am saved by faith, not by works.  “With” chooses to focus on works.  Your works are pathetic and will burn up upon the believer’s judgment seat.

This book completely misses the entire point of the salvation sacrifice and simply what the blood of Christ is, means, and does.

This book was provided to me free of charge by BookSneeze in exchange for my review.  The opinions expressed are my own.