Tuesday, May 1, 2012

John MacAuthur The Truth about Grace

“The Truth about Grace”, is one of a series of books written by John MacArthur breaking down common areas of theology that are misunderstood and often times exploited by modern liberal churches today.  John MacArthur is a fundamentally conservative Biblically centered pastor who has written countless books, sermons, and articles teaching and leading people to a better understanding of the most elementary and basic  yet vital aspects of their faith in Christ.

Just like every other MacArthur book I have read he breaks down his thoughts point by point, backing everything with scripture that is always in proper context.  He does a great job of this particularly in the chapter regarding how Grace is twisted and misunderstood. 

The one thing that I will take away from this book is an acronym that I had never heard before regarding GRACE; God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.  While John explains that this is a great way to characterize grace, but theologically there is is much, much more.  His definition of grace is far more detailed and to the point.  “the free and benevolent influence of a holy God operating sovereignly in the lives of undeserving sinners”.  While I agree with this definition, it is difficult to share this definition with new believers of Christ.

I love John MacArthur I sometimes find him to be somewhat legalistic in his approach and theology.  This book is no exception.

I received this book free through booksneeze.com.  While the book was free the opinions are my own.