Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civlizaiton

I recently read The Book That Made Your Would; How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization.  I have rarely been as excited to read a book as I was for this one.  When I first sat down with this book I thought for sure my excitement misplaced.  This book has moments of great suspense such as when he is sharing his own story; however it slows to a snail’s pace during other moments, such as the beginning.

I agree with the author’s statement that you cannot truly understand western civilization without understanding where the principles and morals that shape it originated, the Bible.  However, I would go one step further and say that you cannot understand the greatness of America without understanding these roots as well.   This realization will make you understand as well the ramifications of removing the Bible from our daily lives.  The results of which we are dealing with as a society today.

The author, Vishal Mangalwadi, takes a winding scenic route to the greater point and sometimes seems to fall off topic even.  But bear with it and you will find that this book offers a great reminder of just how important the Bible has been through history, as well as the importance of it

I received this book free through  While the book was free I am able to give freely my own opinion.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Must for any modern Patriot

God’s Promises for the American Patriot is not the history that you will hear about or read about in your public schools.  Rather it is the truth about the beginnings of this country, the vision of the Founding Fathers, and the faith that was leading and should once again lead this country to greatness.

There were times where I was driven to tears thinking about the regression that this country has taken all in the name of “progressive” ideas.  These ideas have not only taken us down the wrong path in our country, it has stolen our clothes and left us on the side of the road to die.

This book is an excellent quick read and a useful tool to show the truth about this country, the people who shaped it, and the vision of what this country was to look like in the future.

I would recommend this book to anyone who has a love of country that falls just short of the love for the Lord and love of family.  For the new modern patriot this is a must own.  I will be using this book in the future to teach my children the truth about America.  I only hope that it is still the greatest country on Earth.  God Bless America.

I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program.  I was not required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own. 

Max on Life

I read the book Max on Life; Answers and Inspiration for Today’s Questions written by Max Lucado. It should have been named - A New Belivers Guide to their Faith.

I have read and enjoyed much of what he has written.  However I have often found myself at theological odds with him.  This book is no exception.  Max Lucado spends much of this book apologizing for the actions of staunch believers, seemingly accepting a watered down version of what the Bible shares.  For example Max ignores the changing heart of true believers and lets the reader think that salvation is simply saying aloud that you believe.  If you say this then you are saved.  While it is one aspect, this is one instance where I would take a new believer to the Bible and show them a more in depth look at the issue of salvation.

I would however recommend this book for any new believer who may have many questions but they are unable to put them into context or are just too embarrassed to ask.  Topic areas include many issues that new believers may not understand, prayer, inerrancy of scripture, suffering in the world and salvation through grace. 

Material disclosure: I received this book from Thomas Nelson publishers as part of their book review blogger program. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Final Summit - Interesting but lacking

A couple of disclosures to begin;
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
This is my first encounter with Andy Andrews, this book is a sequel but you do not need prior knowledge of Mr. Andrews other writing to follow this book

When I first started reading “The Final Summit” by Andy Andrews I was horribly disappointed due to the severe breakdowns in many aspects of Christian theology.   Right away I will say that if you are reading a book and regardless of whether it is fiction or non-fiction having the author take liberties with theology bother you then do not read this book.

I however promised to read this book in its entirety to be able to comment.  Because of this I had no choice but to continue to read.  What I found was a book that was historically educational (hopefully accurate) as well as entertaining and thought provoking.

The story is that a common man David Ponder is taken away from Earth by the archangel Gabriel and leads a summit of some of the most powerful and well known people in the history of the world, highlighted by Joan of Arc, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Carver, and a far lesser known Eric Erickson.  These men and woman are to determine what it is that society must do to return to the path.

While the story drags at times the ending is very thought inducing and I must agree with the conclusion of the Summit.  The personal declaration at the end is something that all mankind should endeavor to strive for.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Unsinkable: A Young Woman's Courageous Battle on the High Seas

I chose this book not because of any Christian theology, like I have with many others.  Nor did I choose this book because of any Patriotic reasons, thou for some I have.  I chose this book as an excellent example of the power within, regardless of age for my 12 year old son.

Unsinkable documents Abby Sunderland’s quest to circumnavigate the globe solo, attempting to become the youngest to achieve this task. Beginning from Marina del Ray, California and sails a southern route around Cape Horn. On her trip she proves critics wrong over and over again.   I remember the news converge of this and the outrage that this desire caused making her parents villains and her a spoiled rich kid who the media was almost rooting against at times I felt.

As with many sailors throughout history the vast Indian Ocean gives the most trouble to Abby with its violent storms and bad luck including making due with scratch repairs on Abby’s boat, Wild Eyes.  It also covers a lot about her family, her faith, and love for sailing.

This is an excellent book and I hope that my 12 year old will see that having a dream, overcoming critics, overcoming obstacles and failures as well as simply taking a risk can do throughout his life.  Abby Sunderland may have had a much different dream than that of my son but the principles learned from her and this book make this a great read.

I received this book free from the publisher through Booksneeze.  While the book was free I was able to share my own thoughts regardless of how positive or negative the review